5 Homemade Remedies for Hair Growth and Why They Work
Physical looks matter to an everyone whether they choose to express it or not. Everyone is born with a flaw; some can be fixed while others you just have to live with. Hair loss, however, is not exactly a flaw and is something that can be fixed rather easily. If hair implants come to mind, then think again. There are many remedies that await you in the cupboard of your kitchen. If you are a working lady, have a little one, or are recovering from pregnancy, no one can relate to hair loss issues more than you. Read the article by Oxford Biolabs for more ways to smooth your way into easy and cheap remedies.
Remedies for Hair growth
● Hibiscus – This beautiful flower is one of the strongest and most effective remedies for hair growth. It is used in a lot of hair products and ayurvedic medicines for its medicinal values. All you need to do is create a paste of the flower with sesame or castor oil and apply it evenly on the scalp. Rinse it off after 30 minutes using a shampoo. Hibiscus leaves also do the trick. Not only does hibiscus strengthen the hair roots, but it also revitalizes them, causing newer hair to grow.
● Cayenne Pepper – Surprisingly, along with a kick of flavor, this pepper helps reduce hair shedding and increases hair growth. When applied in a paste of olive oil once or twice a month, cayenne pepper radically improves hair thinning and activates the nerve endings on the scalp causing hair to grow back faster. It increases the rate of absorption of nutrients, causing a better hair growth within a short span of time.
● Honey – Besides being a favorite to those with a sweet tooth, honey is a savior for those with thinning hair. When used along with shampoo about twice a week, it yields miraculous results. Honey nourishes the hair and hydrates the scalp. Being rich in antioxidants, it removes any free radicles that prevent hair growth while nourishing the hair up to its very tip. It additionally makes hair healthier and smoother acting like a natural hair conditioner.
● Yogurt – As strange as it seems, applying yogurt to hair can have wondrous results. It does not even have to be applied with something else! Just part your hair and apply it as it is. Rinse it off with shampoo after half an hour. Yogurt helps exfoliate the skin on the head and unclog the pores of the scalp. It restores the pH balance of the hair and prevents any fungal growth. Finally, it nourishes and hydrates the hair too.
● Curry leaves – The oil from fried curry leaves, when applied twice a week, gives you almost instantaneous results. It helps hair grow and prevents greying of hair, in addition to battling bad hair quality.
A lot of factors affect the loss of hair like age, environment, hormonal disturbances, and weak immunity. Thinning hair is not a very big issue to fret over and has quick and efficient remedies waiting for you right in your home. For more such amazing solutions, look through the article by Oxford Biolabs to learn more about the things that can help you grow back the hair you’ve lost while preventing further hair loss.